Friday, April 13, 2012

Kristin's Day Five

Today was a good day. I got to sleep in, thanks to a marvelous hubby, and had a pretty normal day...well...excluding what I ate, haha.

I spent some time with Janelle and JR (my sister and brother-in-law). We had a pretty interesting conversation. Let's just say God is moving! I don't know what He's is up to, but I want to be part of it.

PS - I made fried chicken for the fam tonight. I had to get Andy to taste test it, lol. How do you cook when you can't try it? Kinda funny.


  1. That's been my on-going question, too! I made mashed potatoes last night, and after I made myself the "cardboard version," I added the cream cheese and 1/2 and 1/2 and had to have Dallas tell me what it needed!

    1. Lol! I want more info on your CSA and when can we go to pure and simple? I've been wanting to take good(:
