Wednesday, April 11, 2012


This morning was glorious! No headache! I did not disdain my "poor man's hot tea." I took two sliced apples to Bible study and ate them both, along with two strawberries, courtesy of the angel who actually brought a healthy snack this morning. For the record, I only slightly loathed the ladies who brought the cake and brownies and those scrumptious looking muffins coated in cinnamon sugar. LADIES! It's NINE AY EM, for cryin' out loud! !) I did have a hard time focusing, and at one point, I looked at the leader and said, "Sorry...WHAT?!" I don't even know what I was thinking about...probably those brownies...but she replied, "Sounds like you need more coffee!"

I looked at Kristin.
Kristin looked at me.
If the leader only knew EXACTLY how much coffee I needed...

I also stopped by the vitamin store and grabbed some iron pills per my vegan friend's suggestion. I hope they work. I'm beat.

I texted Kristin: "I'm shaking. SHAKING. And, I'm not entirely convinced it's because I'm cold." (Turns out, I WAS cold. Thank You, Jesus! I'm not as addicted as I thought I was!)

I came home and scarfed down the corn salad I made last night before the girls and I went to lunch with a friend (I never know what I'll be able to eat these days). We went to Fudruckers. Yep. I ordered hotdogs and milkshakes and onion rings and french fries. Doubled up the Ketchup and cookies with sprinkles....for the girls. I had sweet potato fries...hold the ketchup.

This afternoon went well. I had two cups of OJ, one more cup of my "poor man's tea" (for recipe, see below) and a quick nap.

This evening, I realized that my family would soon be tanning my hide if I made them eat another vegan meal, so I called Dallas to see if he could pick up dinner for himself and the kids on his way home. (I'm hiding in the study while they eat our favorite Bar-be-que as I type)

I ate raw veggies and hummus...and an avocado.

You know you're a vegan when: You frantically scrounge through the veggie drawer in your fridge on the verge of a nervous breakdown yelling at yourself on the inside, "I could have SWORN I BOUGHT AVOCADOS!"

I'll leave you with my caffeine replacement plan:

Boil hot water.
slice a lemon.
place one lemon slice in the bottom of a tea cup.
pour water over lemon.
pretend you're actually drinking tea.
if it doesn't work, pretend harder.

The cool thing I noticed this morning at Bible Study was this: Even though all things revolving around my body and my place in space seemed, um, fuzzy this morning, God seemed clearer...closer. He made more sense. Scripture made more sense. Good things are comin', folks! A storm's a'brewin'!


  1. Enjoying reading your account! Enjoy the moments with the One who made you and loves you.

  2. I'm glad to hear it's starting to get better! (Just make sure you're getting enough calories... a couple of apple slices, corn salad, sweet potato fries, veggies and hummus doesn't sound like a lot of food--or a lot of protein.)

  3. Thanks, Sarah! I have no idea how to moderate my caloric intake on this thing. I did have a couple of spoonfulls of Natural Peanut Butter in the evening (after I posted this). I was SUPER FULL all day. Any suggestions? :)
