Monday, April 23, 2012

Kristin's Day Fifteen

I am horrible at math. All day I was thinking we were half way through this adventure and I was excited to blog about that. Nice. In five days I will talk about that :/

Anyway, I didn't tell you! I went to MOM's for the first time yesterday. Fifteen days ago I would've thought it was an overpriced grocery store for granola people, but with my new found was AWESOME! I found all five superfoods that I talked about on Day Thirteen there. Mung Beans and nutrional yeast flakes (NYF as my friend Sarah calls them) in bulk none the less. Hmmmm, hey Kelly...wonder if they'd let us open one of those here in the Boro??

Okay, so today. I did NOT want to get out of bed, but I did without Java. Took care of the kids and ate a banana and drank some OJ. Took Peyton to school and then popped some raisin stuffed apples with peanut butter on top in the oven. Maybe I should bake apples everyday? The house smelled so good!  Here is the fruit of my labor, pun intended.

Nate and I thought it was very good, but here's the thing. I expected the peanut butter to melt over the apple. Call me hydrogenated crazy, but I totally thought that would happen. I made two so I'm looking forward to eating another one tomorrow. I should probablymake some for the family too, lol.

For lunch I tried a seaweed wrap stuffed with broccoli sprouts and hummus. Again, fifteen days ago, I would've NEVER done this. It was actually good. I do not recommend it unless you like sushi cause the seaweed wrap made me think of sushi. Ah...sushi...we will meet again.

Considering that the wrap was like negative calories, I was hungry in an hour. I ate Amy's Organic soup that was seriously like heaven in a can - if that's possible. It's their Golden Lentil Soup (Indian Dal) and it's so good. Go get some.

For dinner I had hominy with marinara, spinach, and mushrooms. This was a tasty day!

On another note, I am beginning a new book: What the bible says about Healthy Living by Rex Russell. It's pretty interesting thus far. Fifteen days ago, I wouldn't have sniffed at this book.

Wait a you notice a trend here? Fifteen days ago, I did some things a lot differently. Huh...(;


  1. Kristin~I think we COULD open one in the Boro, but I THINK there would only be three shoppers. You, Me, and Sarah. HAHA! Maybe Lori, too. Anyhow, I'm down for the farm in the morning,but I'll have Darby, and I don't own rainboots. Your day definitely sounds tastier than mine. I need to get on the ball tomorrow and make myself something tasty.

    1. I didn't think I would actually enjoy food on this fast. Is that counterproductive? Well, who knows. I still need to bring you this marinara sauce and your dish!
      Yeah, Andy said that we would have 10 shoppers. Bahahaha!
