Tuesday, April 24, 2012


 This morning did not go as planned.  My alarm clock (my two-year-old) went off just before 7am.  I forgot to reset my REAL alarm for 6:15, my normal waking time.  That threw me off.

Anyhow, I had some grapes, peanut butter and OJ for breakfast.
Lunch was a couple carrots, more grapes, and a can of Amy's organic soup.
Dinner was a can of Amy's organic soup and a bag of "French Green Beans" from Walmart's new "Marketside" line.  I sauteed them in olive oil and garlic.  On the bag, it says, "ALL NATURAL."  I scoff at things that say "ALL NATURAL" these days.  That's a bunch of bologna, folks!  DEFINE..."ALL NATURAL."  This Marketside stuff is NOT organic.  It's probably blasted full of GMOs (genetically modified organisms), but I can't just assume that, so I wrote an email to the people at Walmart who deal with produce related inquiries:

"In the quest to make sure I'm serving my family healthy ingredients, I have recently researched GMOs and organic produce verses "regular" produce.  I decided that I was "food dumb" before my recent research.  What bothers me is the fact that Walmart stores do not have a wide selection of organic vegetables and meats.  On top of that, they allow labels to charm their customers into buying them with slogans such as "All Natural."  What vegetable ISN'T "All Natural"?  To the "food dumb" consumer, that slogan probably works, but I'm not buying that slogan anymore.  I refuse to feed my family produce that has been intoxicated with GMOs any longer.  Why would I want to feed my family something that has been genetically altered?  I understand that Walmart in other countries has catered to the consumers when faced with tough decisions, but that the "food dumb" Americans have not caused enough hype to make any change in our nation's food supply.  I want you, at Walmart, to know, that as for me and MY family, we're choosing to purchase the slightly higher cost organic produce, be it from Walmart or a local farmer.  I believe there has been a shift in our society ongoing for some time now, and it would benefit Walmart to be proactive in stocking their shelves with organic certified produce and meats."

We went to a local ice cream place tonight and got ice cream (I should say, I sat there and watched them eat ice cream).  Oh...ice cream...one day we will dance again!

On top of my "food stuff" today, we've been praying, praying, praying about adoption related stuff that would be more relevant for me to post on our family blog than here, so I will do that as soon as I can sort through my thoughts on things related to our adoption.  However, I have made Psalm 63: 1-8 my "Battle Cry," and my soul will cling to Him!

He will satisfy me as with the richest of foods, that passage tells me.  So, I continue on, eating only fruits and veggies, and cling to that hope.  That, though I'm eating carrots...again.  Though I eat yet another apple...again.  Though I have gone through 1 and a half jars of peanut butter in the last 16 days... Though I have only just 16 days ago started to eat avocados as they stand...GOD is, to me, the "richest of foods!"  HE is my "steak!"  HE is my "yogurt!"  HE is my "ice cream!"  HE is my "spaghetti!"  As much as I crave the foods that everyone else in my house, and most people in America can eat, I should be craving HIM with as much enthusiasm!  I make that my prayer, that I would crave GOD with a steadfast heart...more than I crave ANY food or thing on this earth.

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