Monday, April 16, 2012


Being "vegan."
It's really no big deal.
...not on day EIGHT, anyway!

Honestly, this is starting to feel like it's becoming a habit. You can tell exactly how often I frequented Starbucks because my daughters (ages 2 and 6) asked to stop at one today! HAHA! I'm fabulous like that.

Anyhow, for breakfast, I had two scoops of peanut butter (yes, the "natural" kind). Lunch was a bunch of fruit salad and the leftover corn salad from last night. I had a couple plantain chips (ingredients: plantains and salt) and grapes to snack on today. Dinner is a baked sweet potato (plain). Drank TONS of water and ran four miles.

Was I tempted by the 1/3 of the leftover chocolate cake this morning? Totally. Was I tempted to order my Tall, Nonfat, with Whip Peppermint Mocha at Starbucks this afternoon? Totally. But, what I'm finding is that God is doing something bigger in me than just making me healthier and more aware. He's forcing me to educate myself about what I'm feeding myself, but also what I'm feeding my CHILDREN! Folks! not SUPPOSED to have 32 ingredients!!! It's NOT!!! No more sludge in my little kiddo's "temples!"

On another note: We are adopting from Ethiopia. To follow that story, you can visit my other blog. I found out recently from some missionary friends of ours who are currently serving in Ethiopia, that Easter this year, or Fasika in Ethiopia, was celebrated YESTERDAY. Today, in Ethiopia, it was "Easter Monday." Why would that be a big deal? Because Ethiopians apparently fast a vegan-type fast for 50+ days leading up to Fasika! Why am I telling you about this? Because I started this (vegan-on-steroids-but-not-literally) fast the LAST WEEK of the Ethiopian fast. Today, in Ethiopia, if they can afford it, they are all feasting to end their fast! I found that dramatically ironic that God put a vegan-type fast on my heart and it joined together with what was happening in Ethiopia.

Lord, God,
We rejoice today with the Ethiopians!
We celebrate a True, Risen Savior who reigns over ALL THE WORLD!
There is NOTHING under heaven that falls outside of your grasp!
YOU are the Giver of life!
YOU give and YOU take away!
I pray that my child or children were able to FEAST,not famine, in celebration of YOU!
God, keep them safe until they are safe in our arms.
God, help them to know YOU as their Father, O Father to the Fatherless!
Love, protect and keep them until we can, with Your help, do the same.

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