Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Kristin and the TV...Day Nine

This is pretty earth shattering for me. GET THIS. I am barely watching TV anymore. Ok, that isn't so awesome sounding. Lemme explain.

I LOVE TV. My DVR and I have an almost scandalous relationship. After I put the kids to bed or during any free time I had during the day I would catch up on 'my shows'. My shows included:
So You Think You Can Dance
Extreme Home Makeover
The Lying Game
Secret Life
Pretty Little Liars
Make it or Break it
Grey's Anatomy
Private Practice
Rachael Ray
The Occasional Movie or Children's Program
(DVRed shows were 90% mine)

Most of those shows were very interesting and had a good story line, but weren't very good for me to watch. I am coming to know that now. I would justify watching them saying that I was keeping up the what the YL girls were watching. I'm not kidding.

I realized that my TV watching was out of control and I started to pray about it. I would try to make changes, but they never really happened. I prayed some more. In February I got a new HD DVR and decided not to put anything on it...well, except Rachael Ray (she's taught me so much, lol) and SYTYCD will be recorded this summer.

I don't even miss 'my shows'. It's freakin amazing.

My desire for TV is being replaced with a desire/passion/yearning for God and his truth. I am not the same and I cannot take credit for this change. I prayed and God did this in me. I currently have 12 Rachael Rays waiting for me on the DVR. Ah, I'll get to them sometime, lol.

Next thing to conquer: I check my phone, fb, and email way too often. Ugh, no pain, no gain...right? Good thing God helps us!

1 comment:

  1. YAY, Kristin! You'll get to those Rachel Ray shows when we can eat meat and pasta and cheese and milk(OH, MY!)again! WE HAVE TO TALK TODAY!!! And, does anyone else find it hilarious that Kristin and I text, email, FB, call and now comment on each other's blog posts? We are forever linked in cyberspace. Now, Kristin, don't you DARE ask me to start a new fast (you know the one I'm talking about) when this thing is over...don't...you...dare!
