Sunday, March 23, 2014

Kristin's Day 23 - What is love?

Over and over we are told in the bible to love God and love others. Those are the greatest commandments. We are to love as he loves, we are to be his hands extended, and are to represent him. What is love?

We say hate the sin, love the sinner (I HATE that quote cause we twist it up all kinds of ways), but we still end up pointing fingers, saying mean things that hurt others, and then wonder why no one wants to experience this LOVE - this God - that we believe in.

I was scrolling Facebook tonight and saw two things...

At first I judged. I's disgusting. Then I thought about it for awhile. This guy did this because he wanted to. Then I really thought about it. He was created in the image of God, just like me. Yeah, I personally would not choose to do what he did on my body, but that doesn't make him any less of a person. In our culture/society, it would be difficult to get a job in most places. I don't  know if blaming the government is the way to go, but blaming our culture as a whole? Maybe.

Then I see this.

It was posted by someone I respect very highly. I know that they did not mean any harm in posting it and it is true to a point, but if I didn't understand God's love and read this?

Before scrolling FB, I had an awesome time with four beautiful YL friends. We went to Sweet Frog and talked, joked, and laughed. On the way home our discussion turned deep. Friends, people listen to what we're saying, they hear what we say to and about others, and it makes them question and doubt their faith rather than affirming it. What is love? What does God mean when he says love God and love your neighbor as yourself? 

Do we judge others? If you say no I'm calling you a liar. What were your thoughts when you saw the first picture? If that were me, I would want someone to love me. I want to love others to the truth. I'm still learning how to do that everyday. Are you learning too?

Food for today? Eh, same old...same old, EXCEPT

Portabella mushrooms caps. They say they're like steak? they are not. BUT, they will do for now! Pretty tasty dinner!!

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