Friday, March 28, 2014

Kelly's Day 28

I woke up this morning with a throbbing headache. I think I might be getting sick.

After I got the kids off to school, I went to TOWN on my house. I gutted the drawers, closets and crevices of the three bedrooms upstairs. Gutted my closet and part of our attic. Did four loads of laundry....all before noon. It's official. We need to have a yard sale or rent a dumpster...or have a bonfire. Anyone have ingredients for s'mores? Oh, wait...

I finally got my Haitian Sensations' sizes, so I was able to organize dressers and assess the situation to figure out what I need to get before we go grab our boys in a couple of weeks!

When the kids got home from school, we left for gymnastics and soccer. On Fridays, we leave at 2:45 and get home after 7. Today, it was raining. Thankfully, I had just restocked he car with enough new umbrellas to go around, so I whipped out this brand new umbrella, and I heard a "DOING" noise. The umbrella part popped off. Can I please now take a moment to tell the world that THIS is what happens to me when I try to bargain hunt? Thank you. 

We got home around 7:20. I got the kids all cleaned up and dried off, and as I look over at my trash to treasure heap in my dining room, I can't help but feel accomplished!

Breakfast was a bunch of peanut butter and some OJ.
Lunch: 3/4 of a bag of snap peas...totally unsatisfying.
Snack: tortilla chips. I don't know why I keep going back to those. They continue to do me wrong the next day in yoga. I'll let you know how tomorrow morning goes.
Dinner: a large order of fries from Chick-fil-a and more OJ.

That's all she wrote for now!
Grace and Peace!

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