Saturday, March 15, 2014

Feelin' loved! Got my bonus! ~Kelly's Day 15

I woke up this morning and drove up to Belmont, NC to Simply Yoga for my Power Flow class. Every Saturday morning, I'm blessed with another amazing morning view as I drive over the water-.evidence that our Creator is in the details! You'll have to excuse my photography skills. I was trying not to run off the bridge. I gulped down a spoonful of peanut butter and sprinted out the door, choking all the way to the car.

The Man is fortunate enough to work for a company that gives bonuses. We get them in March...March 15th to be exact. Last year, he gave me MY first bonus! I bought some clothes and new plates and coffee mugs and utensils. This year, my bonus was better than last year's! SO after power flow, I ran into Charlotte to pick up our new trundle bed, and then ran to Southpark Mall to hit up the Lululemon store for some new yoga clothes, a couple shirts, some new accessories. Since I was up there, I hit up Cowfish for some got it...SPICY THAI CUCUMBERS! I wanted to hit up Whole Foods while I was up there, but I'd already been gone for four hours, and I didn't want to waste the whole Saturday. I scarfed some Thai Cukes down in the car. Check out the loot:


 We worked in the garage when I got home. Our garage is some sort of leaf collecting vortex. It's actually VERY weird how true that statement is, but The Man worked his tail off while I was gone, and I felt very loved that he worked so hard! He also assembled the trundle bed while I was running the kids to their friends' houses. After he packed the car for a trip to the dump, he took my car and cleaned it! WOW! Is it MOTHER'S DAY?!

After my son drank all but the last 1/16th of the jug of OJ, I had to run to Walmart, where I stocked up on a few things I had forgotten to purchase since I'm so obsessed with finding Beyond Vegan approved things to eat, namely Milk and Orange Juice, cereal and snack foods. I would also like to add that I have been out of chapstick for a solid two weeks now, and my lips feel like they're about to explode. Even so, I forgot to purchase chapstick...again.

I had some Amy's Organic Soup for dinner. I'm sure my cholesterol count just shot through the roof, so I rounded out dinner with some Kettle Chips.

If you've ever been to Younglife camp, you KNOW what "BIG COOKIE" is. We make big cookie at home with homemade vanilla bluebell ice cream. It's heavenly. To DIE for. My family is eating it right now...and they are complaining about having brain freezes.

And, speaking of brains. Mine isn't working anymore.  I didn't even remember what a "DRIVEWAY" was called today. Thankfully, my trusty friend, Beth, was there to help. Thanks, Beth!

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