Friday, March 7, 2014

Kelly's Day 7

For the record, I typically make myself a high protein chocolate shake for breakfast.  It DEFINITELY is NOT "Beyond Vegan Approved."  Milk...well, that's the main reason.  It has milk in it.  I blame this normal breakfast food of choice for why I keep forgetting to eat breakfast. got it!  I FORGOT breakfast...again.

But LUNCH!  OH!  LUNCH!  Can I just say that I have only seen TWO Chipotles in Charlotte?  TWO.  Howdy, folks!  I can think up no less than THREE within half an hour of sweet, little Waynesboro.  Anyhow, back to Chipotle.  I ate lunch there today.  Actually, that might be an understatement.  I SCARFED lunch today. I had a burrito bowl...and I went to TOWN on it!  AND, that sweet little lady did NOT hold back on my guacamole glob!  Girlfriend put a solid CUP of guac in that bad boy, and I almost jumped the counter to hug her! Glory!  Jesus loves me!

And then, I would say I had multiple cups of Orange Juice, but that also would be an understatement.  I'm SURE I drank at LEAST a third of a gallon today. And, speaking of OJ.  I need to make an OJ run tomorrow.

For dinner, I ate another glorious veggie quesadilla, and consequently, the "soy cheese" didn't quite gross me out like it did yesterday.  Hmm...maybe the vegans are on to something.  And when I reference vegans, I mean ACTUAL vegans, not Kristin and myself. On to my confession: If you read the ingredients to my soy cheese stuff, it says it "contains casein (a dried skim milk protein)." What the heck that means, I know not. As ignorance is bliss, I chose ignorance, and therefore, bliss. If anyone has a problem with that, you can leave a comment, call, text, tweet about it, post on Instagram, or FB message me...or you can take it up with the management.  However, I will warn you that if I do NOT have any objections by tomorrow, the possibility that I will have another veggie quesadilla with my new "GO VEGGIE" brand "cheese" is great.

My daily menu aside, I ACTUALLY found myself grossed out as I walked through the meat aisle the other day. As in, grossed out like watching Brad Pitt stuck in that barbed wire fence in that one scene in that one movie where he is this sorta Indian/Wild West man turned soldier getting pummeled by snipers...grossed out. That's new for me. Something is DEFINITELY different this time around with this fast. Thank You, Jesus! Again...He loves me!

On to the rest of my day...
I'm pondering several things right now.
1~Life "down South." I'm still struggling...a lot. Feeling alone. Surely this is just a season, and SURELY this season is almost over.  Remembering God's promises...the ones of the bible and the ones He gave just to me because (again) He loves me so.
2~Considering going to NJ for Holy Yoga "touch training" later on this month. This would enable me to add massage into my teaching, and I would learn some Thai Yoga techniques that I think would be valuable for "The Man's" back. I think this would be really good for me, and I've been considering going to massage therapy school for several years, so this might help me "get my feet wet." Problem is that there is only one spot left.  I'm sorta just trusting God and waiting right now, but I also sorta hope the last spot isn't already taken.
3~I'm also considering becoming a Master.  HAHA!  You can call me Master, no really. Call me Master.  !) Anyhow, I'm thinking about doing the Master Holy Yoga training that begins in September.  It's a 9 month course, and I think they only do one a year, so my next opportunity wouldn't be until September of 2015.

On to my bible pondering:
I was reminded during a conversation that I had with Kristin today, about 1 Corinthians 9: 19-23.
"Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings."

When thinking through this verse with regards to Lent, I think it's possible to get so caught up in fulfilling your own self-imposed regulations that LENT can become your focus...thus taking the focus off of Jesus.  Your attention CAN BECOME so legalistic so as to strip away the beauty from the supernatural things that God WANTS to work out through your obedience and sacrifice. If you are currently fasting from something during the Lenten period in anticipation of a glorious celebration of our resurrected Savior, may I suggest that you truly relinquish control of that area of your life to the God who loves you so?  If you truly surrender and release the grasp on this "thing" that may have had you in chains, I believe God will work a mighty work in you.  Allow God to make you become what you will become out of this.  Release control!  Do not be so stuck on "becoming" your own self-imposed laws that you get sidetracked from the One you offer your sacrifice to! He loves you so!

That about wraps up my day!
Grace and Peace be yours in ABUNDANCE!
ps~If anyone knows the name of the movie I referenced above, I will give you the rest of my bag of "Cheddar flavor shreds-pasteurized process cheese food alternative"...and you will forever be changed.
pps~I'm asking you because I do NOT KNOW what that movie is called. Peace!

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