Thursday, March 20, 2014

Kristin's Day 19 and 20 - The roles have reserved and it's SO weird.

Last week, I looked at my husband wide-eyed and completely baffled. Then, it happened again Tuesday and Wednesday. Shocked. Amazed. Oh...and a bit weirded out.

Let me explain.

As a newlywed and young mom I you say...OCD, anal, crazy clean lady, mirco manager. When it came to the kids, house, and any youth activity Andy and I were assigned to - I led the charge. I gave the orders. I issued the reminders. I became impatient and angry when Andy messed up or forgot or did things late. I felt like he didn't hear me sometimes or he did what he wanted before doing what I asked.

Well friends. Kids happened. More kids happened. Several moves happened. Young Life happened. Then, even more kids happened. God started changing me. I worried about the house less, yelled at the kids less, and starting forgetting just about everything. I don't think the forgetting thing is God? I don't know.

After Micah, pretty much all my OCD, anal, crazy clean lady, micro manager just ran out. Sure I still like a clean house, clean kids, and everything organized but really - as a wise woman once said - Ain't nobody got time for that! I forget to do things 5 mins after Andy asks me. I do not do things in a timely manner for YL events half the time. Andy feels like I don't hear him sometimes. He asks me five times to do the same task.

Last week, I looked at my husband wide-eyed and completely baffled. Andy got miffed when I did not do things in the manner that he wanted before YL one night. I ran behind schedule, I forgot stuff...I...I...WAS LIKE ANDY WAS 10 YEARS AGO! Well, shoot. The tables have indeed turned. Now, here's hoping we find a good balance in these reversed roles. Oh my word.

Food the last two days? Completely and totally uneventful and frankly boring. Folks...I'm eating the same stuff all the time. I get these awesome recipes, but most of them have flour, or grains we're not eating, or sugar. UGH. I love y'all, but I can't eat half of what you send. I'll be sure to try it in 20 days lol.

The highlight of my food choices?
1. I mastered baba ganoush!
2. I made uncooked stuffed peppers with guacamole.
3. They finally got sea salt pop corners back in stock at Martin's - it's the little things.

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