Thursday, May 10, 2012

My daughter said I'm "WEIRD."

My son internalizes a lot of stuff and never really speaks his mind.  He knows what I'm up to with this fast, though, which he made clear when he proudly declared, "Hey, everyone!  Look at what my MOM is eating for lunch!" yesterday on the bus. 

My daughter, much the opposite of her big brother, will NOT stop talking.  It's amazing the conversations you can have in the car with your kids when you turn the radio down (don't get me wrong, I totally blare the radio sometimes when I've had enough and want to hide)! 

"Mommy?  When are you finished with your fast?  I want you to be done already!"
Me: "Why?"
Daughter: "Because it's WEIRD!"
Me: "WEIRD?  Why do you think it's weird?!"
Daughter:  "Because you make us dinner, and you don't even eat it!"
Me: "Well, do you want to eat only vegetables and fruits?"
Daughter: "Blech!  NO!"
Me: "Well, then, I have to make y'all dinner."
End of conversation.
Yes, that was an abrupt end. 
Abrupt ends happen when you're talking to 6-year-olds.

Onto another story:
I had my adoption physical today.  There's a box that says "DIET" for the doctor to fill out. 
Doctor: "How's your diet?"
Me: (deer in the headlights look)  "Well, right NOW, I'm only eating fruits and vegetables."
Doctor: "But, you're not vegan, or anything?"
Me: (hmm...)  "OH, No!  Not vegan!" (Vegans eat BREAD, for cryin' out loud!)

My daughter thinks I'm weird.
I'm pretty sure my doctor concurs.

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