Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Kristin's Day 31

Breakfast: OJ, Banana, Kiwi, PB and celery
Lunch: Amy's Organic Black Bean Soup and corn chips
Mid-Afternoon: Carrots and Hummus
Dinner: Brussel Sprouts with unsweetened ketchup
Dessert: undecided

SO, I had to go up to Chambersburg to get fingerprinted and since we were so close, we stopped by Trickling Springs Creamery. I picked up a gallon of their Farm Friend Skim Milk and a 1/2 Gallon of their Creamline non-homogenized Milk. I would tell you what it tastes like, but I'm not drinking milk right now, lol.

I stopped by Kline's grocery on the way home. They have some really good meat specials. I usually get their 10lb bulk specials on ground beef and chicken. Now that I'm starting to care about where my meat comes from, I'm in a dilemna. I go in the store to find that 10lb chicken is $1.69 per pound and 10lb ground chuck is $2.79 per pound. A month ago I would've bought 10lbs of each and froze it in in 1lb packages.

Not today. Today I went in and looked at the chicken. It's from Delaware. The breasts are bigger than my own boobs. Then, I ask the lady behind the counter where the beef comes from. They say Maine. What? All this time, I thought Kline's meat came from local sources? Should I care? I walked out of the store empty handed.

Help me. Should I care where my meat comes from? Should I care that the dairy cow is treated with TLC and grass fed? True, I do not want hormones in my meat, but most packages claim that no hormones were used...??

And for that matter - this is a terribly slippery slope cause then I should probably care about how my clothes were made and how my jewelry is made? What about cleaning products/toxins? MAKE IT STOP!

I ask: HOW NOW SHALL I LIVE? I feel like I'm in a fog. 

I am changing the subject. I'll keep praying and trying to figure this out. 

My husband is going to join me for this last leg of the fast (: I love him. 

PS - I still do not like Brussel Sprouts. I roasted them in the oven in olive oil, salt and pepper and I guess they were ok, but amazing? Nope. 


  1. I went through this same crisis last October. I was taking a shower and I made the mistake of reading the ingredients list of the shampoo and then for the next three days I was like, "everything I own is made from CHEMICALS and SLAVE LABOR! I can't make sure that EVERYTHING I buy is environmentally friendly and fair trade!" It took me a while to realize that while I might have to buy some things that aren't in line with my ethics as a consumer, that list is actually pretty short. You can get environmentally friendly laundry detergent and beauty products (you can also make your own pretty easily.) You can also just buy clothes as you need them, instead of just shopping for the heck of it (which, even as a self-proclaimed mall-hater, I still used to do pretty regularly.) Getting out of a consumer mindset/lifestyle is pretty easy for me as a college student, where there are free boxes in every dorm and all my physical needs (food, shelter, etc.) are provided for. I can imagine that having a family and a house and responsibilities makes it much more tricky. But even small changes (like getting eco-friendly laundry detergent) have helped me feel a lot more at peace with God when it comes to getting out of the cycle of consumerism.

    You guys are doing great! I've really enjoyed reading your blog. Can't wait to see you all later this month!

    1. Thanks Sarah! I haven't thought about laundry yet...I love me some tide, but I have been buying 'green' cleaning products when the ones I have are running out (:
