Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Kristin's Day 21 - Update, Coffee, and Sleep

Update from yesterday - I did indeed make it until Andy got home at 7:30pm (he arrived earlier than normal). I am happy to say that I didn't yell, didn't lose my cool, and navigated the rest of the evening well. Thank you for all of your encouraging words, thoughts and prayers!!


I'm not drinking it right now. I'm happy that I am able to get through the day without the dreaded caffeine withdraw migraine, however, I am realizing how dependent I am on java.

Before the fast, I was drinking three to four cups of coffee a day. Two immediately in the morning while packing lunches, getting kids off, and waking up and then another one to two cups later on to get me through the afternoon slump.

I know most people hate it, but I find coffee delicious and a perfect way to perk up from the sleepies. It's one of the reasons I give it up during this time, to ask God to be my strength and to look to him for the energy I need instead of the cup o Joe.

I'm finding that I'm going to bed a lot earlier because I'm not drinking coffee or watching TV. I'm realizing that I just need more sleep. I mean, DUH, but really I was just draining back the coffee and plowing through life.

Why do I do that to myself? Why do I allow things to get me through or why do I stay up watching TV when I know I'm tired?

There will be some nights when kids are sick or emergencies happen where sleep is never gonna happen, but on nights that I can? I need to go bed and get the sleep I need.

Every year I do the fast I say that I'm not going back to coffee, but I always do. I need this fast every year just to kick the habit I let build up! Oh my. We are all work in progress.

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