Saturday, March 7, 2015

Kristin's Day 18 - Sharing my 'bread'

I'm not eating tortilla chips or tortillas so my options for 'bread' or 'bread-like substances' are kinda limited. I am an AVID Pinterest user and when I came upon this recipe, I pinned it and it's AWESOME!

Grain Free Flat Bread
Prep time:  
Cook time:  
Total time:  
Serves: 4
  • ½ cup Blanched Almond Flour
  • ½ cup Tapioca Starch
  • ½ cup Water, preferably filtered
  • ½ teaspoon Garlic Powder
  • ½ teaspoon Onion Powder
  • ½ teaspoon Sea Salt
  • ¼ teaspoon White Pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
  2. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper
  3. In a jar (with lid) combine all ingredients and shake well to make a thin batter
  4. Heat your seasoned cast iron skillet over medium
  5. Add a little healthy cooking fat to your hot pan
  6. Pour your batter into your skillet (approximately ¼ cup) - move your skillet around to spread the batter out thinner if desired
  7. Cook for 1-2 minutes per side, just until it's getting a few brown spots.. your breads will be firm on the outside but uncooked in the center
  8. Transfer your bread to your parchment lined cookie sheet
  9. Repeat until your batter is all used up and all breads are on your cookie sheet
  10. Bake your flat breads at 350 for up to 20 minutes
  11. Remove from the oven and cool slightly
  12. Enjoy!
*Kristin's notes: I could not find Blanched Almond Flour so I got Almond Meal. It's like using whole wheat flour instead of white. I spread the batter real thin in my non-stick skillet so I don't have to bake it. It's slightly chewy in the center, but it's SO good.
PS - Tapioca Starch really baffled me. Like WHAT IS THAT? Wikipedia filled me in. All plant, so we're good.

My family loves this stuff and I have to do an attitude check every time I share. Try it!

In life:

All three of my boys were sharing a room until today. Y'all, Micah really needs his own room and my older boys need a space that is free from the Lego eating Micah Man. So today I moved beds, dressers and more up into our 'play room' it looks AWESOME!!!!

What do you think? I had more than enough energy to lug all the stuff up the stairs so that tells me either God is sustaining despite what I'm eating or I'm eating what I need to get by. I'm just gonna think the first thought, yeah?

I'm about to go buy some curtains for the boys room. Have a GREAT NIGHT and don't forget to set your clocks forward one hour. Spring is coming!!!!

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