Sunday, March 1, 2015

Kristin's Day 11 & 12 - Let it GO!

I know, I know. The Frozen song - 'Let it Go' phenomena is totally overplayed at this point, but the message is being brought up over and over again to me in the last two days.

Day 11
Was a flurry of activity beginning with preparations for our 5th annual YL Polar Bear Challenge' at Good News Camp Lake in Waynesboro. Crazy high schoolers from Franklin Co get sponsors and then jump into the icy cold lake. All money goes toward a trip to YL camp this summer. Andy had to go break up the ice and I needed to make 2 gallons of hot cocoa of the event. We had two jump sessions this year. Here's a picture of the first group

It was literally FREEZING outside. I for one, have checked 'jump into water during winter' off my bucket list, so I do not jump. Andy, however is the first one in every year. Some kids brought in over two hundred dollars for camp, so all in all? A great event!!


Abby Eigenbrode and I took 5 kids ages 10 and under to the skating rink. Yes, we're crazy...
The older two took to the rink with clumsy awkwardness as Abby manned Micah, I took to trying to teach Lily - my niece - and Nate to skate. At one point I fell, but all in all I did ok after a five year break from skates!! My son Nate did not want my helping hand, but wanted me to skate beside him. Lily, however, became so anxious that she clung to the wall with both hands. TIGHTLY as if her very life depended on it. 

At one point I said to her - 'I cannot teach you anything until you're willing to let go of that wall.' (that can preach on so so so many levels) She shook her head adamantly and clung fiercely. I continued around the rink with Nate, checking with her after each lap. Finally, she was willing to come out with me. We went around the rink three times and each time she gained confidence.

That's Lily in the center - ain't she cute?


Abby and I went out to Jade's Cottage Cafe here in town. If you've never been? It's delicious, you should go. I got home and basically collapsed into bed. My cold is already getting better, but my energy is definitely lacking. I haven't practiced yoga since Friday, but I'm gonna try again today.

Day 12

I woke up to MORE SNOW. I am SO over winter and it's white cold iciness. I didn't think we should go to church this morning, but Andy was up for the challenge. Sigh. Ok. This morning's message? What are we willing to let go of to grab hold of Jesus - to make him the center of our life?

The sermon won't be up until later on this week, but if you're interested here's the link: Jesus First

We talked about how the disciples were willing to leave everything and follow Christ. We talked about the rich young ruler not choosing to 'let it go' and sell all he had to the poor and follow Christ. 

As I'm doing this fast and talking to people this is what I'm learning.
1. Everyone says they could never do a fast like this
2. What we're holding on to isn't necessarily sinful
3. It becomes a sin when we hold onto ANYTHING too tightly (visual - Lily clinging to the wall)

Friends, I encourage you. If Kelly and I can fast - so can you. What are we holding on too tightly? For me and Kel, it was food and TV. We need to let them go for a time in order to refocus and remember God is our source of all. 

What is it for you? Can you 'let it go' so God can move in your life?

I am eating lots of veggies and I devoured a whole mango yesterday LOL. 
My fav snack is PB mixed with raisins that I scoop up with apple slices. 
I'm gonna try spaghetti squash on the family tonight. I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow!

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