Sunday, February 22, 2015

Kristin's Day 5 - I'm a recovering elder brother.

Let me explain. I just finished reading 'Prodigal God' by Tim Keller today. It is an EXCELLENT book and it made truth come alive in a new way.

So often people teach the side of the prodigal son, how the Father lovingly embraced and welcomed him back into the family despite his disrespect and behavior. At least, that's how this parable was taught to me growing up.

Keller highlights that not only was the prodigal lost, but the elder brother was lost as well. The elder brother stayed with the Father, obeyed, worked, and then displays anger that the Father accepts the wayward son home.

I had an elder brother's spirit. I considered God more of a disciplinarian that really loved me, but was gonna wallop me if I got out of line. I thought my behavior dictated God's hand - in that I was in control and not Him. Let me quote an aspect of the elder brother that describes how my life was...

     'The last sign of the elder-brother spirit is a lack of assurance in the father's love...As long as you are trying to earn your salvation by controlling God through goodness, you will never be sure you have been good enough for him. You simply aren't sure God loves and delights in you.
     What are the signs of this lack of assurance? We have already mentioned one sign: Every time something goes wrong in your life or a prayer goes unanswered, you wonder if it's because you aren't living right in this or that area. Another sign is that criticism from others doesn't just hurt your feelings, it devastates you. This is because your sense of God's love is abstract and has little power in your life, and you need the approval of others to bolster your sense of value. You will also feel irresolvable guilt. When you do something you know is wrong, your conscience torments you for a long time, even after you repent. Since you can't be sure you repented deeply enough, you beat yourself up over what you did.
      But perhaps the clearest symptom of this lack of assurance is a dry prayer life.' (pg. 72)

Anybody? Can you relate? What a terrible way to live as a Christian! I taught classes and did ministry during this time. I was probably the reason someone seeking answers turned away. Thankfully God is in control and I now know that even my biggest mistakes could never ever mess with His glory, amen?

Friends, God loves us. He loved us first. He created us. He wants to see everyone, prodigal and elder son included understand how deep, how wide His love is. I pray that if you have not experienced, understand, and know His love, that you will. 'Taste and see that the Lord...HE IS GOOD!!!'

Breakfast: Tea and a banana
Lunch: Bean Thread stuff and chicken
Snack: Apple and PB with raisins
Dinner: Onions and green/red peppers on spicy refried beans. (Side note: Nate asked to try my dinner and upon taking a bite he looked as if he would barf until it was swallowed. LOL!)
Dessert: Mango, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, and green juice smoothie

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