Saturday, February 21, 2015

Kristin's Day 3 - Panera, BJ's, and Date Night...

Hey! So I'm writing this a bit late, but it was date night last night and I needed to devote time to Andy instead of write a blog post, so...yep.

Yesterday I needed to stay home and attack laundry and housework, but I needed food to eat. So, I piled Nate and Micah in the car and we headed to Chambersburg to check out BJ's. I'm currently a Sam's Club member, but our membership ran out and I like options.

On the way, we stopped at Panera. I got a 1/2 Power Hummus Salad thing and the boys got kids meals. Our bill was $23.31 SAY WHAT!? was good and all, but terribly overpriced.

BJ's WAS AWESOME!! I asked to look around the store to see if I wanted to switch and just the PB section alone swayed me. Sam's carries JIF, Nutella, and Almond Butter. BJ's had organic, two natural varieties, almond butter, nutella, and more. SOLD. I loaded the cart with delicious food. I bought the wrong kind of cashews though, which completely stinks cause I wanted to do the whole soaking and making that pudding stuff for breakfast. Ugh.

Then date night. We searched on the computer for places in Frederick since we had to take Nastassja there for a birthday party. Andy wants what I can't have. We decide to figure it out on the fly. While driving to find a place with a card (I'm that Mom. The one that picks up your kids' gifts in a flurry of stress ten minutes after your party has started.), we found this.

It was cute, quaint, and DELICIOUS. We ordered an appetizer and dinner. Here's what it looked like.

Chicken with PB sauce and Achat (some oil, cucumber, red onion thing)

Spicy Basil - Sauteed Basil, chili, string bean, onion, bell pepper

The dinner came with rice, but I just ate the ginormous plate of veggies. It was spicy and garlicy and oh so good.

The trouble with eating a plate of veggies is that you get hungry no less than two hours later lol. Eh, I just went to bed hungry.

On the way home, Andy and I were talking about the extreme cold and how people seem to be less patient and more angry here of late. I wondered how places with extreme cold six months out of the year function. Andy told me that places like Alaska report higher levels of mental illness due to lack of sun, lack of light. That'll preach. 

Sometimes, we get so busy, so caught up, so off track that we do not seek our Light, Jesus Christ. 

John 8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”(emphasis added)
We are supposed to get another 3-7 inches of snow today and an inch of ice tomorrow morning. I'm SO over winter, but SO into Jesus. He is my light and warmth in this cold and blustery time. I will continue to seek him and I hope you'll join me.