Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Kelly's Day 29: Mush, but I NAILED IT!

My brain is fried. I have no idea why, since I ate that chicken. Actually, my theory is that all the energy my body received from that chicken went to my actual BODY, which felt great today. And, NONE of it went to my brain, which is struggling to put two sentences together these days. I really want to speak to what Kristin wrote today about when this thing is over, but I cannot do it.

My victory of the day?
I got Tittibhasana to Bakasana, and it wasn't entirely ugly! If you don't speak Sanskrit, check the video below (I work on the second way she shows the transition). !) NAILED IT! Don't get me wrong. Kino Macgregor has roughly 14 and 3/4 years' experience on me! I'm SURE mine doesn't look this perfect, but one day, it will!

It does a body good!
(Something is telling me that's not how the saying goes...but I can't put my finger on it)
I need some vitamins or something.
I've got nothing else to report.
Grace and Peace~

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