Monday, April 16, 2012

So, I wouldn't exactly call myself a "Farmer"...

Hey! It's Kelly!
Happy Monday, Everyone!
Monday is my meal planning/grocery shopping day for the week.

After taking little Darby to look at the fish in Walmart, I passed the gardening center area. The display with all the seeds caught my eye, so I went to check the back of the seed packs to see what they had to say. Things like "drought resistant" and "insect resistant" were printed on the labels. These sort of things, to a "farmer" sound...GREAT, right? But there's more to those words than meets the eye! See, I watched this video the other day where a lady explained exactly what "genetically engineered" means. Basically, they have taken pesticides and morphed them into the actual DNA of certain vegetables in our food supply. Corn, for instance, now gives off it's OWN insecticide when it is growing. Then it. On top of this, our government makes it nearly impossible for organic growers to stay afloat! They are taxed to pieces. In America, we eat meat and vegetables that are grown using practices that are outright ILLEGAL in most other countries! Consequently, in America, 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women are expected to get cancer...the HIGHEST RATE IN THE WORLD.

I talked to Kristin last night, and we both are dumbfounded. We don't know where to even start with all this new knowledge we have come upon. I actually told Kristin that "I'M FOOD DUMB! I'M A FOOD DUMB CONSUMER!"

So, after I saw the seed display, I decided to look a little further, when what to my wondering eyes should appear? Oh! AN ORGANIC SEED SECTION! At $2 a pack, that was too good to pass up! So, I'm officially a "farmer." I bought bell peppers, cucumbers, spinach, cherry tomatoes, San Marzano tomatoes, cilantro, basil and parsley. I plan to plant these in containers on my deck. If I can do this, then maybe I will plant a garden in the backyard next year. We'll see how it goes! Oh, and in case you're wondering, I used organic soil, too (they sold ALL of this at Walmart).

I passed Kristin in the Jelly aisle (looking for jelly we can eat). Haha! She just texted and told me she thinks she's going to make her own jelly this summer!

We're still looking into CSAs, organic milk, meat and poultry suppliers, and we'll keep ya posted, but I had to share with you my exciting new find!!


  1. That's how we started - two years ago we had a "container garden" on the patio and last year we built the raised beds. It is so fun and your kids will love planting/pulling all the veggies and eating them. Naomi helped us pull carrots last year and she convinced Kate to eat broccoli! And if you want to make your own jelly, call me. I make strawberry jam each year (just strawberries, sugar, and surejell). My recipe contains a ton of sugar, so maybe you can find something healthier? Let me know!

  2. I'm going to be gardening this year too!
