Friday, April 20, 2012

Kristin's Day Twelve

Hey Gang...this is going out a wee bit early today cause I got a hot date with the hubby later (:

KONY 2012:

If you don't know, there was a video made by Invisible Children that went out in early March that very simply stated some information about what Joesph Kony has been doing for the last 26 years - it's awful. It started in Uganda and now it's said he's hiding somewhere in the Congo. Invisible Children's hope is to 'make him famous' so everyone will know about this and hopefully he'll be arrested and stopped.

Since the video, the founder of Invisible Children basically had a nervous breakdown and did some crazy stuff. The organization is being criticized on how they spend money and on the fact that they over simplified the issues surrounding Kony and the LRA (his army).

Hey, I get it. Invisible Children is not a perfect organization.

Here's where I am though. If it weren't for KONY 2012...I would not have known what I know now. I would not have researched the topic and found out that Obama sent troops last November or that he sent advisors recently to help capture this dude. I do not agree with all things Invisible Children, but I want my town to know about this.

Today, my friend Karissa Stoner and I hung posters. Tonight is supposed to be when this goes down, but we couldn't wait until then.  Our town does not allow signs on public property so the Boro guy suggested that we appeal to local buisnesses instead. 8 out of 10 buisness owners didn't even know who Kony was. This is my point. I know that we can't go over and arrest this dude on our own, but we should at least know about what's happening.

I get so caught up in my own little world that I often fail to look at what's happening in the world. The news is tricky with biases and questionable information, but we should sift through it and discover as much truth as possible because we can at least tell others and pray.

There are many organizations that offer hope and help for the children who have escaped Kony's capture. If you can, take some time to research them and possibly donate to help them (:

On another note: I downed two tbsps of PB this morning and two more this afternoon. I'm also snackin on some roasted soy beans. Not as hungry! Thanks for the advice y'all (:

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