Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tough Night so...rough day??

It's Kristin

We had Campaigners last night, so by the time I got the swagger wagon back home from dropping kids off, showered, and got to bed it was around 11:30pm. At 4:30am Nate starts screaming. Years ago, I would've been angry to get up in the middle of the night, but thankfully there's been growth here.
I got up, got him, noticed he had a fever, medicated him, changed him, cuddled him and twenty minutes later he was back to sleep. I gently put him back in bed relieved that I could go back to sleep...or so I thought.

I DID NOT GO BACK TO SLEEP! At 6:15am, Andy's alarm went off and I was still up. I was trying to pray, but I was so tired and sleep would not come. Usually if this happens I get through the day with a steady drip of coffee, but we are not drinking coffee. The kids got up, Andy made pancakes and I finally peeled myself out of bed at 8am (I got some intermittent sleep between Andy's alarm and 8am).

It's now 11am and I'm far. I will probably 'hit the wall' at 3pm and then 'hit the hay' at like 8pm tonight!

So, I feel like God is REALLY helping me see that I don't need coffee. I'm almost there, but I love that stuff. It tastes so good with that new York Peppermint Patty my favorite mug...I can seriously smell it...ok...I'll stop.


  1. Kristin,
    You should try my "almost famous" tea!

  2. HAHA! I was going to and then I remembered I forgot to buy lemons. Next grocery trip (:
