Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Preview of Matt and Mary's greenhouse

If you were with us on DAY EIGHTEEN, you know that Kristin and I went to a local farm for a "farm lesson." Whereas, I would still call myself a COMPLETE amateur, it was insightful! Matt and his wife, Mary, both went to Virginia Tech, and Matt has a Master's degree in farm management from a university in New Zealand. New Zealand is basically organi-topia (I think I just made up a new word). Matt and Mary's farm is not an organic farm, but I like how they do things, and they do not buy GMO seeds.  They gave us our "farm lesson" in their greenhouse, which was warm and cozy amidst the threat of an oncoming thunderstorm.

Check out their BASIL!
Oh, this smelled so good!  I wanted to grab a whole flat!
(Hopefully the basil I planted a couple of weeks ago turns out like this!)

Rows and rows of starter seeds were packed into this greenhouse!  
Matt and Mary nurture these plants like they were their own children!

Before "salad mixes" were "popular," Matt and Mary were planting different lettuces together.  
Check out this colorful mix that Matt gave us!
I made an awesome salad with this stuff last night, and Kristin (thankfully) brought a salad that she made with Matt and Mary's lettuce to a brunch that we attended this afternoon.
So colorful and tasty!!

Check out the bell peppers!  If you are in our area, you will see these bell peppers gracing the produce section of the nearest WEGMANS soon!  
(I sorta feel like I know someone famous because I know who supplies bell peppers for WEGMANS!)
(...Matt and Mary, may I grab your autograph next time I stop by?)

All in all, word is spreading about this hidden gem of a farm, and I have a lot of interested friends!  Matt and Mary, you'd better keep your farm stand stocked THIS SUMMER!  !) 

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