Wednesday, April 11, 2012

DAY THREE - Kristin

Okay, so I haven't talked about my reaction to this fast yet...well...except the coffee thing. So, here goes...

I am not a huge meat eater, so cutting out meat? No problem. The cutting out bread (as I know it) and cheese and eggs and coffee? Yeah, HUGE.

Me and cheese? We're buddies - it's official. I love cheese...there isn't a kind I've tried and haven't liked. Well, I take that back...but cottage cheese really cheese? Could I be ok without my daily date with this wonder food?

I will admit, my caffiene withdrawl headache was HORRIBLE. It started late day one and lasted most of day two. I resisted and didn't take pain killers. I wanted to remember what it felt like. I wanted this to be a reminder when this is over that I have a caffiene problem, plain and simple. Pain to come off of an addiction is probably a good thing. Pain can be a good teacher, especially for a stubborn hard head like me.

A killer headache for two days is bad and painful, but I was completely fine when my family devoured two pizzas in front of me last night. I was ok when my friend brought us bacon wrapped stuffed chicken breasts and my family ate them while I had peas and black beans (hey, it was all I could think of to eat before my grocery run). I was ok when - get this - my kids ate multiple string cheese sticks!

My new vegan food LOVES:

1. Smuckers Natural Peanut Butter (the whole family may switch) with celery or strawberries
2. Raw Veggies dipped in hummus
3. Soy beans roasted and lightly salted (the new chip, ha)
4. I am no longer addicted to coffee.

I thought this was gonna be terrible hard...but for some crazy odd reason, it's just not. At least not yet - hey, I live in reality. I know my "this fast sucks" time is coming, people.

I just hope I allow God to change me enough that when it does come? I'm ready.


  1. Soy beans in any form are my faves. :P I'm glad to hear that things are going well!

  2. This is Kristin - I know! Salty and crunchy? Awesome. Thanks Sarah!
