Monday, April 16, 2012

Kristin's Day Eight

Kristin's Food of Day Eight -

Some cooked diced potato, orange juice, apple

My oh so tasty Hominy, spinach, mushroom, marinara dish

Mushrooms and carrots in hummus and some natural peanut butter with celery

Grilled Eggplant and a salad with marinara sauce on it (I don't have an approved salad dressing yet, lol)

Grapes and Strawberries with natural pb on the side

Andy (the hubby) asked me if I was sick of this yet and honestly...I'm not. Crazy thing is, I'm not there yet. Yes, I do miss the other foods, but I'm being satisfied with fruits, veggies, beans, and nuts.

It was funny though. At dinner, the eggplant tasted buttery to me (going without dairy may have taste bud side effects?). Andy took a bite and looked at me like...'woman, you have completely lost it.' Yep, maybe I have babe, maybe I have!

I tell you what though...I am willing to LOSE IT ALL for Christ, lol.


  1. Amen! You know, I enjoyed a VERY sweet tasting SWEET POTATO tonight! And, you know when I walked down the baking aisle and almost DIED the other day? Well, today, when I walked down it, it smelled TOO sweet! What has happened to us?!!!
