Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Kristin's Day 7 - Down and Out

I'm feeling the winter blues...BIG TIME. My mood is down and I feel completely trapped in my house. I haven't been outside of Waynesboro since last Friday and it was only a Starbuck's drive-through run with a YL chick. To many that's not a big deal, but to me...a mover and a shaker? I'm on the verge of depressed. I'm also detoxing or coming down with some kind of upper respiratory thing. My ears are clogged, throat hurts, head foggy, energy = gone. I can't seem to crawl out of my own sad feelings. I would be perfectly content to stay in bed ALL DAY.

Most of the time, my pick me ups are
1. TV
2. Food
3. Social media interaction
4. Shopping

I am limiting all of those things right now. Last night, Andy and I did a date night in. Date nights in are awesome because we order in and eat delicious food and enjoy each other. We watch Netflix and chill - if you know what that means...

Instead, we ate the rest of the gross avocado pasta. GROSS but edible. We watched Netflix, but the chill was limited because of monthly things...TMI? Sorry. I feel like all of the enjoyable things in my life are no longer there. God is supposed to be my strength, my joy, my song, my all in all. He is not. Right now, my mood is completely dictated by things and weather.

I'm praying, I'm reading, I'm trying to seek God - but it isn't working. I feel completely down and out.

You ever have that happen??

The good news is that I know that this will not last forever. I know that if I keep pressing in, this will eventually change. I just don't know when or how much at a time.

So if you're looking for a positive/upbeat post saying that fasting is amazing and that I'm loving every minute? This post AIN'T it. However, I'm holding on to truth. I'm participating in shereadstruth.com's Lent series. It's good.

This is my memory verse for the week. This is the truth that I will hold to today - despite how I feel, despite how I want to sleep all day, despite the sadness/down and out that seems to overwhelm me. Seasons of refreshing are coming as I am in the process of repenting - turning from things I look to that aren't the source of life. Powerful, hard, and needed truth.

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