Sunday, February 14, 2016

Kristin's Day 5 - You Can Feel it in your Bones...

Y'all. It's COLD. The last few days have been bitter, bitter, I mean BITTER cold. Cold and I don't work well together. Some people love snow and winter, but I lose feeling in the heels of my hands and my feet - while in the house. As a matter of fact, I couldn't even feel my toes during the first 35 minutes of my Ashtanga practice yesterday and my room was turned up to 78 degrees! Have you tried  balance  poses when you can't feel your toes? LOL!!

This gets me down and out every year. As a matter of fact, I'm typing this in bed, in my church clothes because changing was out of the question, with my electric blanket on high cause again, I cannot feel my feet. If anyone knows how to fix this or of ways to help? I'd love to know.
As far as the fast goes, I am failing miserably in the social media department. As of this morning, I turned my FB notifications off. I was checking it more than 10x per day - well over the 3x limit I set forth for this fast. Every time that little red dot showed up, I was eager to check it! I would just delete it off my phone, but I advertise all of my yoga classes through it, put YL events up, and wanted to post Nastassja's birthday stuff. Hopefully I can get in line soon lol!
Kelly described our food limitations really well in her last post. Adding grains makes this fast almost easy - it's still hard, but at least we have PLENTY of options to stay nourished and feeling full!!
I made an avocado/chickpea mash up for lunch and it was kinda like vegan chicken salad. Garlic powder, red pepper flake, cumin, salt, and pepper for some flavor and it was a great meal!!
Today is Valentine's Day and I have to admit, Andy surprised me this year. Often, we bypass gifts and such, but he gave me a charm for my Pandora bracelet. It's a yoga charm with someone doing bow pose - pretty cool! I've had this bracelet for a little over seven years. Another one or two charms and it will finally  be full. I looked at all of them today and loved that each one has a beautiful memory attached. Many are from Andy, some I bought myself, and quite a few are from Kelly. I hope that you are able to take some time today, tell someone that you love them and remember that everyday is a chance to give and receive love. The memories created can be ones that are treasured for a lifetime.

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