Thursday, February 11, 2016

Kristin's Day 2 - What have I become??

Every weekday morning I either practice Yoga at 5am, get a shower, and drink coffee in front of the Today show or I stumble out of bed between 7 and 8 and drink coffee in front of the Today show. I have it on for one to two hours - every weekday morning...

This fast includes NO Today show. I sat on the couch with my coffee and oatmeal (which ew, why do people like oatmeal) and did not know what to do with myself. I'm not checking social media regularly. I'm not playing Candy Crush: Jelly Saga. I had a moment of 'what in the world should I do with myself'???

I texted this to Kelly...

PATHETIC. You don't realize how addicted you are to something until you take it away. Granted, this only lasted about five minutes, but it happened. I mean like what have I become?

Kelly suggested that I start a new book, have any you've read that you'd recommend??

For very very selfish reasons, I need this fast. It's like this. Until I can get beyond myself, what I think I need, what I fill my life with? My everything is affected - especially my relationship with God. He is supposed to be my everything, my all in all. The Today Show? Not a sin, but an indicator that I need re-aligned. When re-alignment happens, I'm more in-tune with God. I don't get caught up in worthless habits to the point where I don't know how to spend time without them. I'll clear my head to hear HIS voice. I'll take my eyes out of screens to become available to be HIS hands and feet extended. 

Let the re-alignment BEGIN.

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