Saturday, March 1, 2014

Kelly's Day One~Animal lovers? No.

Ever felt that pre breakfast panic?
The "Oh, no!  I have no breakfast food in the house!"
Better yet, right after you pour a huge bowl of cereal, "One THIRD of ONE CUP of MILK?!  FAMILY MEETING!  WHO used all the milk?!"
I had that panic this morning after yoga.
Oh, wait!  I have some clementines! 
I had three for breakfast.

Lunch: An avocado and some carrots.

Dinner: A vegetarian spud (hold the cheese) from McAlisters.  God bless McAlisters.  I'll probably be best friends with that sweet little gal taking my order by the end of this...the one who was trying to get me to add butter and sour cream...Bless her heart. She knows not what she does. For my "Northern" friends and those who know not what McAlisters is, google it.  Then, swing down to any true Southern town worth visiting.  Ask for a "tea."  They'll bring it to ya sweet...the way it should be.  The thing about McAlisters "spuds" is that I'm pretty sure it's actually TWO spuds they bring you, unless they purchase genetically mutated potatoes.
Point?  They fill you up.
Point B, lest you begin to think that I cheated and had sweet tea: I drank water.

I don't want to speak for Kristin, but we're not animal lovers.
I mean, we both have dogs, but come on.  That's really for the kids, right?
Coffee lovers? Yes.
People lovers? Yes.
Animal lovers? Not so much.
Let's put it this way:
I don't even like my own dog.

This weekend, Kristin found herself at a horse show (AT one, NOT IN one.I'll let her tell you about that later), and I found myself at the zoo.  I (arguably) live in a zoo daily, but the animals at this particular zoo were much calmer than the "animals" I keep day in and day out. 

I packed myself some carrots for a zoo snack so I didn't try to throw a quarter in one of those goat pellet machines and try to eat whatever the heck came out.  I'm pretty sure they would not break any "fast rules" we have laid out, but still...

While at the zoo (the actual one, not my house), I got this text from Kristin:
"Dude." (Nevermind the "dude" part.  I've been trying to get her to quit that phrase like the rest of us thirty-somethings did circa 2001, but she keeps holding on...maybe for good luck...maybe because she knows it grates on my nerves...maybe it's just the one thing she holds on to in order to remember yesteryear.  She has a heart of gold. I can overlook "dude." Character flaw?  Yes. Deal breaker? No.)
My reply? "Yeah...I need a major grocery run!"
Kristin: "Me. Too."

Thankfully, "The Man" (as I affectionately have him plugged into my contact in my phone) had to return a Red box movie, so I sent him a short grocery list:
apples (Please come home with Gala!  Please come home with Gala!)
AND, Amy's Organic Soups (shoot!  I forgot to tell him which kind!)

For those of you who followed our journey last time, you know I DOWNED peanut butter.  I'm going to have to go somewhere other than Walmart for that 'round these parts.  They do NOT sell PB unless it's packed with "other things."  I guess people who shop in their jammies like "other things" in their peanut butter.

AND, "The Man" just got home. 
Got the wrong soup.

It's all good. 
At least I won't have a pre breakfast panic in the morning.

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