Saturday, March 15, 2014

Kristin's Day 15 - I accident.

It was date morning. Just Andy and I out to breakfast. I decided that we should hit up Greencastle's Pure and Simple Café. It is absolutely adorable and has local, organic, awesome eats. You should totally go if you live in this area.

Andy got a locs omelet with coffee and I got an almond joy smoothie with tea. Delicious.

As I was perusing the offerings I came upon Chia Pudding (vegan with cashews, chia or is it chai?, vanilla, and cinnamon HOORAY!) I ordered a serving a took a pic just cause it was purdy.

It was a glorious little bowl of YUM. Andy said that I could lick the bowl as he noticed that I was thoroughly enjoying it. He also said that I actually looked happy as I was eating lol. I wanted to buy more or learn to make it, so I asked. The waitress said they only make three to four servings at a time and that I couldn't really buy much at once. So I asked how they made it...I should've just kept my mouth shut.

I learned to my dismay that in addition to the ingredients listed above, they also add maple syrup. DARNIT!!! Maple syrup is technically not sugar, but it's not part of the Beyond Vegan Approved list of foods to eat. Dash it all folks, dash it freakin all.

Ugh. The rest of the afternoon included picking up trash in the neighborhood, learning Peyton has pink eye (gross), and making dinner.

I made the husband and kids tacos and shredded the cheese myself as a drooled.

For me? I cut up a spicy black bean burger and topped it with curry stuff out of a can and salsa on corn tortillas. It was not very good, but I ate it.

Then I went to a Jamie Grace Concert with my friend Meagan Yellot. We had a good time. I really like that Jamie Grace. She made a point tonight that I know but it's nice to hear.

Sometimes we pray for things really hard and nothing changes. People stay sick, some people die, circumstances may not change. We get discouraged and full of doubt and anger, but God is bigger than anything we have to face in this world. Some things just don't make sense. Things in this world SUCK. But God is bigger than anything we have to face. Children die, cars give out, cancer gets diagnosed it isn't fair.

BUT GOD IS BIGGER THAN ANYTHING WE FACE. Yes Jamie Grace and we need to live like it if we say we believe in him.

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