Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Kristin's Day 18 - Bean Dip, Bean Threads, and Jelly Bean Toes...

I am trying to develop a liking for beans. Beans are a good source of protein for me right now. I don't really eat them often cause I'm not a huge fan, but right now? I'm trying to befriend them.

I had a banana for breakfast and then I rushed off to WASHS to teach English 10.

After first block, I had bean dip with blue corn chips. I can get down with the spicy refried beans. You can get the vegetarian kind, but most add sugar. It took me a bit to find one without the sugar.
Thank you again, Martin's of Maugansville.

After most of third block, I ate the third lunch shift. I ate some more of that mashed potato sauce stuff...yuck, and an apple with almond butter

After school I had some more corn chips...

For dinner I made the family chicken, rice, broccoli, and gravy. I ate that bean thread vegetable soup I made last night. Let me just say at this point in the game, crushed red pepper makes everything taste better!

After dinner I had salsa and...you guessed it...chips. LOL maybe I need to add more beans and less tortilla chips? Oh my word.

Tonight was YL club. One of the games was Jelly Bean Toes. Girls use their toes to extract jelly beans from  water, then they put said beans directly in a boy's mouth using, yep, their TOES!

So, there you have it!! Nothing really awesome...I just spilled the beans is all. Beans can be black, red, white, jelly, or wait...why are navy beans not blue? Oh well. That's enough on beans for now.

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