Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Kristin's Day 4 - I can't trust myself...this time

It's midnight and I'm sitting down alone (well, with Andy asleep beside me) for the first time ALL day. This one is gonna be short and sweet.

There are a number high school friends in my life that have walked away over the years. I used to get so upset when this happened. I would blame myself, text them over and over -sometimes even cry because losing friendships can be really hard. I have recently come to understand that I didn't trust God as much as I thought. I was good with biggies like death and car accidents and selling my house... but relationships? Nope. I trusted myself, not God.

Just over the last six months I'm starting to learn to let go when people walk away. I'll pursue for a time, but eventually I need to hand it over and trust God for that friendship instead of relying on myself. It has been like a weigh lifted. It is never easy to watch my YL friends go, but it hurts a little less knowing that I'm entrusting them to their Creator.

Breakfast: a frozen blueberry, spinach, banana, PB, almond milk, OJ smoothie

Lunch: a green pepper with hummus, 1/2 can of Amy's Lentil, tortilla chips

Snack: apple and PB, pop chips

Dinner: roasted red skinned potatoes and broccoli

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