Sunday, March 2, 2014

Kristin's Day Two - Let the tears flow...

I am crying at the drop of the hat. I told a story this morning in Sunday School that brought tears to my eyes for a solid five minutes. wasn't an ugly cry!

I started reading FLESH by Hugh Halter and I can already tell that this book is gonna rock me. The story, that made me cry goes something like this...

Hugh, as a child, spilled an entire can of paint all over the carpet during a house remodel. He was petrified that his parents were sure to severely punish him. So he ran and he hid under the safety of his bed covers.
How often do we screw up and do the same with God? We hide or shrink because of our sin. Adam and Eve did be honest I've done it over and over. We expect the worst. We hide waiting for what we deserve.
Hugh's dad came looking for him. Finally, he saw the shaking bed covers. Gently, he pulled up the corner, looked at Hugh and said "You ruined the carpet. I love you but we have a mess to clean up. I'm not mad but I need you to come down and help me fix it."
Tears. I just. Tears. That's how God wants to love us. That's how Jesus approached sinners. That's the love I want my YL friends so much to understand. Do you know how much he wants you to let him love you during, in, and after your mess? Tears.

For breakfast I ate a banana, some grapes, an unsweetened almond milk strawberry smoothie (it was kinda gross...tomorrow we'll add the OJ I bought today), and a spoonful of PB

For lunch I had tortilla chips and salsa, an apple, and a handful of peanuts that I shucked myself.

Then I went grocery shopping. HALLEJUJAH for the Maugansville Martin's.

For dinner I had sautéed spinach and mushrooms over bean threads (weird clear chewy noodles)

For dessert (YES) I had a smoothie made of unsweetened almond milk, frozen bananas, and PB - that was really good!!

It's interesting trying to live off of the cast off side dishes of our culture lol. I am often hungry even after I eat because let's face it...this stuff isn't filling! But...isn't that the point? God fill me with you as I deny myself of choice food.

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