Monday, March 3, 2014

Kristin's Day 3 - Snow Days x10

I swear, the kids have had a bagillion snow days this school year. We had yet another one today. Snow days are supposed to be infrequent and special - time spent drinking hot chocolate, watching movies under blankets, and playing games. At this point, the kids are even complaining when we say they get to stay home.

This was the first snow day on this fast. It was kinda hard. I'm still coming off of three cups of coffee a day and my body/head are revolting. I felt like I was going to faint several times this morning. Thankfully, Andy's office was closed and he was home to help with the kids.

I got the opportunity to share 'the good news' with someone today. It was completely unexpected and marvelous all at the same time. Was this because I'm fasting? Who knows and frankly...WHO CARES? It was AWESOME.

Breakfast: An almond milk, OJ, banana, spinach, strawberry smoothie = YUM and two celery stalks with PB

Snack: tortilla chips and salsa and some grapes and some pop chips

Lunch: Amy's Organic Lentil Soup and tortilla chips

Snack: PB and a sliced apple

Dinner: Bean threads with sautéed mushrooms, spinach, and diced salsa style tomatoes

I know this might be TMI, but I have gas something fierce currently. Beware. Hopefully my tummy gets used to all this and settles down soon. LOL!


1 comment:

  1. Hey! We had the same lunch! HAHA! And, I MIGHT not ever eat tortilla chips again.
