Saturday, February 21, 2015

Kelly's Day 4: Wheeze the Juice!

In short, this is how I feel (courtesy of the classic "ENCINO MAN"):


I'm talkin'...not even CLOSE! That's not even all the empty bottles I have!
Juice for breakfast.
Juice for lunch.
Juice for snack..and another snack...and another snack..and...
I'm glad I can check that juice cleanse off my bucket list. Actually, I'm not sure I can since I technically did not COMPLETE IT, but let's be real. That brown juice?!!! No...THANKS!

Then, Dallas wanted to take me on a this Mediterranean restaurant called Ilios Noche.

We ordered Eggplant and Zucchini chips and hummus and veggies to dip for an appetizer. Then, I ordered chickpea salad, roasted cauliflower and these Italian white beans for my main course. I also had at least four glasses of water. Full doesn't begin to explain how I feel right now.

Ever gone shopping on an empty stomach? My college roommate and I did once...ONCE. We spent $150. One hundred and fifty bucks for two college girls who lived in a dorm and had a MEAL PLAN, for cryin' out loud! Tonight, after I ate my weight in Mediterranean delights, we hit up Whole Foods. When in Rome, right? Except, have you ever gone shopping when you never want to see food again in your LIFE?! I did that tonight. I choked out $56 on some black bean spaghetti noodles, a $5 jar of Spaghetti sauce (it was on sale. NORMALLY, it's $6.78 for 8 ounces), some "faux" cheese, some salad stuff and corn tortillas. I feel like I'm going to explode, and I've never wanted to be so far away from food in my life, but I ran in to one of my Holy Yoga sisters there, so here's my shout out to the lovely Sarah Henderson! Big City. Small World.

But, my trip to Whole Foods got me thinking. Normally when I go there, I want to buy and try every last thing. Their veggies seem so much much healthier! Their range goodness! Everything seems better at Whole Foods! I could buy one of everything just for kicks and giggles! I mean, who DOESN'T want to try YUCCA ROOT for dinner?! EVERYTHING about that store is TOTALLY TEMPTING...even the cool, weird airport escalator to get you and your cart down to the parking garage! SO COOL! But not tonight! I was SO DARN FULL! I just wanted to get OUTTA there! I felt entirely obligated to purchase, but wanted NOTHING to do with the food! NOT ONE THING tempted me in that store tonight.

Here's the deal. If you are stuffed, you will NOT be tempted when you're grocery shopping. Things that would normally TAKE YOU DOWN in the checkout line will make you queasy. I immediately thought of Jesus after he fed 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and two fish in John Chapter 6. He used the opportunity to teach these people that HE IS THE BREAD OF LIFE:

"I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty...For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day." ~John 6: 35, 40.


Even Jesus fasted. He fasted before God ushered him into ministry. He fasted forty days and forty nights and was tempted by the devil, as we are told in Matthew Chapter 4:

"The tempter came to him and said, 'If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.' Jesus answered, 'It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.''" ~Matthew 4: 3,4.

We LIVE on God's word!
We LIVE on the Bread of Life~Jesus!
There's no other name by which we are saved.

So, STUFF YOURSELVES, friends!!!
Just...don't stuff yourself with juice!
...or with too much Mediterranean food.
Stuff yourself with God's word.
Stuff yourself with the Bread of Life.
1~You will not be tempted beyond what you can handle!
2~You will have a good retort when you ARE tempted!

Grace and Peace~


  1. Excellent food and scripture! I am stuffed.

  2. I love reading your posts and am excited to follow this journey again! It makes me miss you like crazy though!
