Friday, February 20, 2015

Kelly's Day 3: Juice, Juice and more Juice.

Day Three.
The "normal" detox headache has set in. At least I know to expect it now. I remember on year one of doing this, Kristin and I were both like, "WHOA! WHAT THE HECK?! IS THIS GOING TO GO AWAY?!!!" Now I know it will. I'm just hoping it goes away faster than the other years because I'm doing this two day juice cleanse from Luna's Living Kitchen. In short, you drink a 16oz juice every two hours. If you know me, you understand that I have forgotten roughly every other time to drink these and now have about four juices to chug before bed. Bad idea? Probably. Maybe I'll just drink 12 tomorrow...I'm too Type A for my own good. How do I get all these juices IN ME before they expire Saturday?!
Suggestions welcome.

I ate two huge spoonfuls of peanut butter this morning for breakfast. I need to go to Whole Foods. My peanut butter is littered with sugar. I realize that. I have limited options because Tate the Great has been home sick from school this week, and everyone has had those stinkin' two hour delays, which throws a girl's schedule off.

Lunch: these little sweet peppers and hummus.


I don't even know how many juices I have had today. I'm totally off. I am just trying to keep my people alive here, and if I somehow also survive...awesome!

No, water...
Juice AND water?

THEN...I decided to go to an Ashtanga class...after all those juices...after all that water...after the sugar-laced peanut butter...after the peppers and hummus...with a headache...and no energy.

You'd think it would have been a disaster, but after I peed three times before class and once after class, and then came home and peed...I realized I've come a LONG way in my personal Ashtanga yoga practice. God and I have done a LOT of work on my mat...and tonight I was reminded of that.

I made butternut squash for dinner and threw in some red curry powder. It was pretty good!

And, what the heck?
I'm gonna have a nightcap...

I'm tired, friends.
I made it through Day 3.
God is good.
Learned some good things about myself, and Moses, but I'm too tired to share them right now.

But, I WILL share this "Oldie-but-goodie":

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4: 6,7. Amen.

Grace and Peace~

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