Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Kelly's Day 1: Unprepared.

Welcome to Kelly and Kristin's third journey into Veganism... that even a word? I feel like I should know this by now. You know, since I've been "Beyond Vegan" for a full 120 days out of the last 1,440 days.

We need to explain ourselves, but you'll have to read the blog if you want to catch up. In short, I began this journey as a "make up" of Lent because I went to Israel during the Lenten season one year and felt God wanted me to give up something BIG because He lavished on me while I was in Israel. After telling my bestie, Kristin, she said I had to read this book, "Seven" by Jen Hatmaker. She said it "messed her up," so naturally, I was IN. And, after reading that book, we were both messed up. So, what do two messed up people do? We fast. That year, we went BIG.

NO...additives or preservatives or yellow #5s or red#2s.
Only pure, straight, clean, raw food.
ONLY...fruit, veggies, beans and nuts.

To be real, this WOULD be our fourth venture into this, but I was pretty angry with God one year and bailed on my fast after two weeks. Kristin was preggers, so that's her excuse...a much holier one than mine.

I'm a fan of BEING REAL, RAW, Transparent. So, expect that. A lot of "stuff" bubbles to the surface when you take your idol away. A lot of "stuff" surfaces that you go head-to-head with. I welcome that because, as God removes the dross, I will come away a more pure form of silver than I once was.

That being said, I've struggled with whether or not I should blog this journey this time because Matthew 6: 16-18 says, "When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." I was entirely humbled the first year we fasted when I found out that Kristin's sister JOINED US...but never told anyone. At least Kristin and I had each other to whine and complain to...Janelle only had Jesus. Beautiful. Holy. She will be rewarded. However, I know that my Father sees the secret places in my heart and knows me. He knows my intention. He knows what WORK that He and I are about to do in my heart and in my life. HE knows what HE wants me to learn and how HE wants me to grow/change, and I welcome that. That, TOO, will be beautiful and holy.

I'm here to tell you from day ONE that I will probably NOT be entirely vegan this go around. I am going to allow myself grace to eat chicken or fish when I feel like my body needs it to maintain itself. After having done this several times before, and knowing the amount of activity my body is doing and the amount of energy I will need to sustain that amount of activity, I'm not going to void my body of what it needs to function at its optimum. There's my disclaimer. Judge if you'd like. !) goes nothin'!
Breakfast~fruit smoothie (God bless the inventor of the NutriBullet)
Lunch~Green apples with peanut butter, carrots, spinach with olive oil/balsamic/salt/pepper
Dinner~Umm...I need to go to the grocery store...

Grace and Peace~

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