Thursday, May 17, 2012

Kelly's DAY 38-POO, What comes next, and cookies!

Well, I know Kristin wasn't tipsy when she posted that she doesn't want to fart so much anymore since we're only drinking water and 100% juice, but apparently we're goin' there, so if you don't want to talk about POO...just keep scrollin', my friends!

I've been hesitant to post this from the very beginning because I love y'all, I really do, but let's face it...POO...isn't very girlie.  But, since everyone poops, I'm gonna go there.  Heck, there's even a book about it!  AND, if you "google" it, there are now tshirts, too!
So, the first week of this fast, my body went absolutely BEZERK!  I'm talkin', I had the shakes, sleepless nights, no energy, too much energy, and essentially...the runs.  I "went" probably five times a day, and it was loose...and orange.  After about 4 days, I sucked up my pride enough to make a desperate phone call to Kristin, which went something like this: "KRISTIN!  My (whisper) 'POO' really loose, and orange, and I'm going all the time!  At what point should I go to the doctor?"  Thankfully, on day five or six, my poo became normal again. 

I've had maybe six people ask me what happens on day 41.  Well, to answer you, I've been a little bit nervous about day 41.  In my head, I wake up, eat a bowl of cereal caked in sugar, run to Starbucks for two or three VENTI Nonfat Peppermint Mochas (with whipped cream), stop at Subway for my specialized Turkey Sandwich, come home, make chocolate chip cookies, throw some veggies in there at dinnertime, add a couple cups of tea, and carry on like Day 0, but the things I've learned while on this fast are telling me, "Don't douse your cereal with sugar anymore!  See what it actually TASTES like!" and "Remember the orange poo?  Don't do that to your body again!"  So, I've been praying about how to reintegrate food into my life, but I just don't know how to do that!  Do I add dairy back first?  Carbs?  Meats?  By the way, I STILL don't really miss meat (except that perfect Turkey Sandwich the Sandwich Artists craft for me at Subway), but I now know what my body does withOUT meat, and I don't like it.  So, I'm still going to continue blogging my food journey back to reality for a little bit when this is officially "over," since y'all have expressed interest in knowing how this all pans out.

I was so stressed out and angry and sad and "WAAAAAH!" yesterday that I went for a run.  It's what I do.  I haven't run in probably two weeks because it wasn't fun anymore because my muscles don't seem to know what to do without protein, so my run yesterday just blew.  It was hard and horrible, and I manpowered through it.  I can't wait for running to be fun again.  I seriously can't.

Yesterday, I also made a batch of chocolate chip cookies.  Usually, I just eat the dough when I make them, but I didn't do that, so when they were finished, I wanted one somethin' fierce.  I saved myself a few for Saturday.  The following conversation took place while I was lovingly stirring the chocolate chips in to the homemade dough:

My son: "Mom, Dad makes really good cookies, too!" 
Me: (Going to the freezer and pulling out the premade, frozen cookies that I bought from the neighbor girl for her track fundraiser)  "You mean, these frozen cookie patties?!!!" 
My son: "Well, they still taste good!" 
What a man. 
Wouldn't know a homemade cookie if it hit him in the face.

Day 38...CHECK!

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